DOSAGE: How Much Salvia divinorum Should You Take?

salvia dosage chart

Some users also report that the use of Salvia occasionally causes a strong feeling of anxiety and paranoia. This information relates to an herbal, vitamin, mineral or other dietary supplement. This product has not been reviewed by the FDA to determine whether it is safe or effective and is not subject to the quality standards and safety information collection standards that are applicable to most prescription drugs. This information should not be used to decide whether or not to take this product.

If you go with dried leaves, rehydrate them before you put them in your mouth.Roll your leaves into a ball, put the ball under your tongue and chew it for at least 30 minutes. Studies of the United States population indicate that Salvia is mainly used by people in the age group, principally males who are active consumers of other psychoactive substances, predominantly stimulants and psychedelics. According to these studies 1.3% of the respondents had used Salvia in their lifetime in 2008.

Advice for new Salvia users

  1. These results cannot be extrapolated either to the general population or to other dance club users, due to the bias of online surveys.
  2. Take care when choosing salvias because not all plants are hardy in all regions; some are best treated as annuals, but many perennial varieties are also available.
  3. More on this in the Dosage section.Either smoke Salvia with a pipe or in a bong with cold water.Hold the smoke in your lungs for as long as possible.

With that said, using a trip killer is smarter than harming yourself.The 2 best options that you have for ending a bad trip are Phenibut and benzodiazepines. Phenibut is generally safer but it can take a few hours to kick in and end your trip.To end a trip, use benzodiazepines. Salvia Divinorum is one of the most intense drugs in the world.


Salvia leaves’ distinctive, pungent odor acts as a repellent to garden pests. “Salvia” and “sage” are often used interchangeably; we tend to use “salvia” for the ornamental plant and “sage” for the culinary herb. However, garden sage has a few attractive ornamental varieties itself. Part of the mint family (Lamiaceae), salvias provide colorful spikes of densely packed flowers with tubular blossoms atop square stems and velvety leaves. Their flowers come in a range of colors, including purple, blue, red, pink, and white. A 190-page technical report that provides information about twelve psychedelic plants and fungi.

Information covered includes chemical components and methods of use, cultural history, legal and risk reduction information. According to the EMCDDA, about 3.2% of those who regularly go to electronic music dance clubs have used S. Divinorum on some occasion in the last month, and 29.2% have used it in their lifetime. These results cannot be extrapolated either to the general population or to other dance club users, due to the bias of online surveys. Salvia divinorum is used either orally, chewed, or smoked in the form of extracts.

It belongs to the lamiaceae family, and is mainly reproduced by cuttings since it rarely produces seeds. For inquiries regarding the utilization of ethnobotanicals, or in case you are experiencing an adverse situation or difficulty integrating and experience, please read this page. For inquiries regarding legal support , please read this page. Because research is limited, the list of possible side effects and risks is short. However, the possible issues are serious and worth consideration.

Side Effects

There are about 1000 species of Salvia worldwide, but currently, only Salvia divinorum holds psychoactive properties. As you can see, you absolutely need a mg scale for most extracts. If you go over 2 or 3 mg Salvinorin A (for plain leaf, a concentration of 0.25% is considered normal), you’ll end up with either a very uncomfortable experience (which probably is quite an understatement), or amnesia. You don’t want either; get a mg scale or stay away from extracts. All salvias do best in full sun (6–8 hours of sunlight per day) salvia dosage chart and well-draining soil.

salvia dosage chart

A bong is recommended since the smoke can be quite harsh on the lungs and airways and that’s why a water-cooled bong is preferred. When the Salvia is added to the bowl of a bong it’s preferred to burn it with a torch lighter for best combustion. Fill the bong up with the thick yellowish smoke and then inhale. Try to inhale all smoke and keep it in your lungs for about 15 to 25 seconds.


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