What to Expect When a Loved One Goes to Rehab: 7 Questions Answered

going back to rehab

Handling a relapse is not something you need to deal with on your own. Contact us at to speak with one of our rehab admissions navigators about returning to rehab. They can help you determine how to pay for rehab by either using health insurance to cover addiction treatment or other payment options.

going back to rehab

Essential Steps to Take After Drug Rehab

Readmission is the best option for someone in the pre-physical stages of relapse, and returning to rehab before or after a relapse is the safest, most responsible action you can take for yourself. While returning to alcohol or substance misuse usually happens in the physical stage of relapse, mental relapse is a huge warning sign that you should take seriously. It can be extraordinarily challenging to stop thoughts and desires about using without external support. One of the key lessons of recovery is that addiction is a lifelong journey.

Finding Work

going back to rehab

You may also begin to experience a less robust normal release of dopamine in response to natural rewards like eating, exercise, or sex. With the resulting lowered ability to experience pleasure from natural rewards and the brain’s heightened response to drug-related environmental cues, it’s not difficult to see how relapse can occur. This article will take a closer look at why relapses occur and how returning to rehab for a second time might be just what you need to increase your chances of long-term success. Consider the benefits of a new environment vs. challenges like distance from support and added costs. They can also be a source of strength and support if you’re ready for recovery. You shouldn’t return to rehab if you feel there is no reason to do so.

Take Good Care of Yourself: Physical Health

Personal growth, healing, and mindful intention can keep going back to rehab your drug or alcohol misuse at bay, but addiction will remain a present force in your life. That’s why it’s so important to continue to work at your recovery, take each day at a time, and develop recovery thinking and behaviors beyond treatment. Before speaking with a loved one about addiction, it’s best to familiarize yourself with language that’s supportive and accurate and information that contributes to healthy conversations. Understanding addiction will not only help you to be empathetic, but allows you to understand the facts so you can be better equipped to handle the conversation. Look into the treatment options before beginning the conversation so you can offer solutions.

  • They say that nothing can make you feel better than your ability to serve others in need.
  • A person might be ambivalent about recovery, seeking treatment not for themselves but for external reasons.
  • Being properly nourished will prevent you from getting sick and feeling fatigued or overwhelmed.

You can admit powerlessness all over again, reach out to a rehab for help, and begin rebuilding your life again. Hopefully, the relapse hasn’t gone on for too long, but even if it has, it’s never late to get help for an addiction. Above all, remember that a relapse does not signal failure on your part or the part of the treatment center. It signals that drug addiction and alcoholism are indeed cunning, baffling, and powerful.

going back to rehab

The evaluation consists of 11 yes or no questions that are intended to be used as an informational tool to assess the severity and probability of a substance use disorder. The test is free, confidential, and no personal information is needed to receive the result. Stewart said Alabama can expand and improve its use of accountability courts, which offer alternatives to incarceration for offenders.

Take Care of Work and Family Obligations

There are even colonies or communities set up as sober villages or houses where all of the residents are former addicts. These long-term rehab centers offer a supportive, 100 percent sober environment. Finding a new job is hard for anyone, but for those finding a job after drug rehab, it can include additional challenges above and beyond what a typical job seeker faces. Coming home after rehab often includes finding new work, changing careers, or simply finding a job to tide you over until you figure out the direction you want to take your life.

Sober Living Homes and Communities

Suppose you’ve gone through significant transformations after completing rehab the first time. In that case, you may require a more robust treatment program to help you remember and implement the principles you learned there. It’s helpful to know how much your insurance covers, along with co-pays and deductibles.


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